Jun 15, 2023--all the projects that started under the PTi had come to a complete halt due to planning problems says the primeminister...however Shebaz and CDA have succeeded in completing at least three of them...the seventh avenue overhead and IJ principal road expansion were the major roads inaugurated...
Jun 15-2023--there are cases against against seven journalists and you tubers for inciting violence from the Pti side...journalism is depicting what happens or at best analysing the causes...but these journalists were actively spreading hate and inciting the followers to violence...
Jun 15-2023--IMF says that they are against tax amnesties...even though the budget does not apparently have such measures...Pakistan regime however bent upon trying to get last tranche somehow...
Jun15-2023--at a recent JIT imran said he had no evidence against Maj gen Naseer, rana sanaullah and the primeminister on the firing at his rally in wazirabad...however he said that if he had been allowed to file a FIR against them something could have been concocted...in due course...despite having a deep seated animosity against the army imran still wants to have talks with them saying they are the actual decision makers...his retired military sponsors pasha and tariq have been said to be contacting the military heirarchy without much success...all the military would be able to say was ''Learn to obey orders" whichever way they go...methinks the military will not be a little red riding hood again tobe stalked and beaten up...
Jun15-2023--government seemingly backing away from trying Pti women troublemakers under the Army Act..the women were active in lahore situations and involved in directing the smashing and trouble making...
Jun15-2023--Biparjoy nears the coastline...but moving away from karachi
Jun14-2023--Nadra chairman resigns blaming interior minister who says there was no pressure on Nadra chairman and people involved in army chief leaks of data had already been dealt with...it is strange how people cannot work under pressure when they are expected to...
Jun11-2023--charter of economy useless..Pakistan has no avenues to increase exports and have to rely on foreign remittances...unless the peoples needs in tariffs, dollar rate, prices and inflation are strictly controlled...
Jun11-2023--shah mahmood qureshi himself a deserter says that the Pti arrived dead on May9 and they were barely able to recover thru the IPP..which is expected to become a vibrant party...as opposed to the festering wound on pakistan soceity the Pti...shah mahmood qureshi left the PPP after his padded travel bills were rejected...the doctors diagnosed the Pti as afflicted with saboteurs and arsonists and the corrupt plus a few murderers..i can assure u that
mooch nahin te kuch nahin...The Pti's support base in south punjab will be runover by the IPP and PPP...with central punjab dominated by the Pmln that leaves the dubious north punjab up for grabs...The Pti will have to face a tough time in KP and their support in karachi has already been exposed...
Jun11-1023--heavy rains in lakki marwat, bannu, karak cause 17 deaths
Jun 10-2023-- fauj withdrawn from islamabad and punjab as PTi threat evaporates...
Juln0-2023--generally anti people nature of government continues... the budget increases salaries by 30-35%..half earmarked for debt repayments...no improvement in tariffs, prices, availaibility expected peoples wise...
Jun9-2023--GDP growth a mere .3% compared to around 5-6 in last two years...inflation only high at 29.2% as most sectors do poorly with a tight availaibility of foreign exchange...with all the trouble that IMF has caused they still want another program...the general availaibility of energy...prices and availaibility was problematic
Jun8-2023--in what seems tobe a general trend Jehangir Tareen picked up the endorsements of major defectors from the PTI...Imran has been unable to deflect the criticism that he and shah mahmood qureshi being senior leaders were behind the May9 mayhem...if this trend continues than the "Istehkham Pakistan Party" maybe leading in the next polls in Punjab with the other contenders PPP, PMLn and PTi...following...The party name is heavy and difficult however the initials IPP are simple although some say it might suggest that they are with the PPP...while the Pti has lost upto a 100 leaders it was top heavy and it could make imrans job of bringing in new blood easier...The toughest contest is most likely in Punjab while KP might still divy up between PTi and the JUI-F..imrans job maybe easier if he does not get disqualified/sentenced as he now has two murder cases too...Khadija Shah says that they were not mistreated and made an apparent bid to take over the punjab PTI women leadership...some suggest that shah mahmood qureshi might have have delivered a message to imran to move on and that he will handle the party...!The general insinuation is that if imran retires the party may come together again...!The army would be happy if imran moves on and they can lockup the identified troublemakers in the May9 incidents

Jun6-2023--On May9 many military commanders were fooled by the dubiously militant and anti state attitudes of the PTi...This had led to a lackadaisical attitude of not taking precautions against militant activity or a crowd attack on various military installations, bases and homes......military commanders should take precautions and bring in troops to protect installations given the very real militancy that has been adopted by the Pti...eg. an attack on ISI installations(Ojhri camp) in rawalpindi was foiled by just a few armed guards or soldiers...commanders with dubious attitude involvements with Pti should be sidelined
Jun5-2023--On the sidelines of the national chaos and PTI disintegration the karachi city council situation shows a divide of PDM 175 seats and JI-PTI 193 seats...PPP apparently trying to break away Ji-PTI seats...it could reflect the national situation somewhat
June5-2023--Punjab IG says Yasmin Rashid key planner of jinnah house attack...an audio suggests she ordered pti workers to det fire to the corp commanders house...mian aslam iqbal who with another pti mna is accused of shooting and killing two pti workers on the run saying that police looted his daughters dowry...many pti lahore leaders were in telephonic contact with attacks on other military installations
Jun 5- 2023-- Pti defectors come up with a supposedly 35 member democrats group under Raas a former imran puppet...the democrats could be a Pti front group designed to prevent a complete destruction of the party as they dont oppose imran... but oppose the PDM... this apparently after seeming failure of similar attitude Chaudhry Fawad group ...imran trying to stuff top positions with seeming loyalists/puppets or batmen.... suicide bomber takes over KP pti leadership
June3-2023--PTI propaganda does not stop even in jail or anywhere else...as u know when something happens imrans first reaction is major general ? did it...than he realizes that the man was run down by a rich vice president of his party...the women in the video below donot seem hurt or injured but being innocents and victimized/fooled by the imran ideology... they probably did not expect tobe in jail for rioting on the streets and being involved in arson...video can be seen on twitter.
Jun3-2023--the present government has not learned its lesson and wants another IMF deal when this one ends...they should probably hire Georgina and Nathan Porter to work in place of Ishaq Dar ...!
Jun3-2023--i think it is necessary to look at available evidence even in an audio or video...while audios can be unclear videos are not...a lahore judge saying that they cannot be considered evidence is literally turning a blind eye to crime just because they know the perpretrators family...the judges are at best becoming Hoodwinking Inc....they let off three girls who were beating up another when she threatened to tell her mother...!this has happened after audios started to appear of judges families trying to pander to fake justice and affect judgements...this video probably made by another girl and can easily be identified...
Jun2, 2023--as usual hammad azhar retracts talks offer says it is not for for puppets...the army does not talk to enemies of the state...and as some say only puppets, orderlies, batmen, chaprasi's and hangers on left in PTi...
Jun2-2023--Imran who has flailed away at talks with institutions told by the government that he should approach the primeminister rather than the army...!This is a stepping down from a hard stance by the government...imran should technically lose face by talking to the government but he might gain by bringing the army to his table...!
Jun2-2023-- Pervez Khattak has also resigned from Pti positions...while Pervez Elahi has been arrested...interior ministry says 33 have been handed over for army act prosecution..Pervez elahi had escaped arrest several times and he has been arrested after his bail in a corruption case was cancelled...like imran...pervez elahi is also supposed to have received over 200 million in commissions..pervez khattak was president of the PTI Kp and has said that he will make future decisions after consultations...khattak like fawad chaudhry had been supporting better relations and negotiations and did not want investigations into KP programs..buzdar probably feeling neglected also quits...
the above are some important PTi leaders who have quit...some supposedly because they could not spend time in jail...others badgering about what they had done...!some ashamed at imrans insinuations against military and May9
Jun2-2023--a rana sanaullah tweet which imran used as a suggestion that women particularly Khadija shah were being mistreated...khadija her family says was not involved in politics but she was arrested apparently in connection with attacks on the corp commanders venue ..there are supposedly 11-31 women in police custody who the PTI was using to attack the police...a senior women police officer visited the kot lakhpat jail and said that nothing of the sort had occurred
The country's agencies intercepted a conversation, revealing disturbing plots and planned actions, including a raid on a PTI leader's house and a staged rape. Objective: falsely implicate law enforcement institutions in the crime, aiming to internationalise the issue.
Jun1-2023--one never believes it but the bigger party is always prone to fragmentation in times of crisis...generally as imran becomes corrupt and fights the army he tends to lose sight of the bigger picture...his lack of interest in being an mna also causes a belittling of parliament...however at the moment apart from a few mna's he is losing more mpa's...it could become a tide and he would at best be left with novices in place of his party of lota's...technically he should be able to win with unknown candidates as well due to his supposedly huge popularity...however he is losing the bigheadedness of power ..last time this happened he had lotas homes targeted and gheraoed...This time pathetically he only ejected them from his whatsapp ...on the one hand fawad chaudhry leads his small band trying for a bigger piece of cheese...he was found talking to shah mahmood qureshi in jail who had earlier left the PPP on corruption charges...however the sly zardari made a big gain by breaking of a chunk of south punjab PTI ticket holders..it seems that south punjab is up for grabs...the PPP took in 24 former PTI ticketholders...some say that bilawal has the establishment backing this time even though it won only six mna's from punjab in 2018...so the PPP at the moment leads JTI and PMLq at the moment in confrontation against the PTI...some say that Fawad is trying for a Imran free PTi while others say he is seeking his share in Pti funds...senior Pti leaders deny any contact with Fawad...
Jun1, 2023--two soldiers die along iran border after their post was attacked...
Jun1-2023--The former azad kashmir PM sardar tanvir ilyas joined the PMLq and called imran a so called political leader who misled the youth to acts such as the attack on the jinnah house...
Jun1-2023--GB speaker resigns amid no trust move...
Jun1-2023--the SC is at its own throats as IHC tries to save saqib nisar a former CJ's son from corruption charges...the Isa led commission on audio leaks suggests that CJ is doing chakkar makkar against government actions...IHC stays proceedings by NA body probing ex CJP's sons audio...CJP seeks SJC judges opinions about complaints against judge mazhar ali naqvi...while another judge wants to know who is recording phone calls and audios...in the present day and age recordings can be done by multiple sources and released in various ways...judges should realize that intelligence agencies are not that efficient and information has tobe moved quickly otherwise its utility decreases...there is no way that recordings can take place after approval of the judiciary secretly...pakistan is just not such a country...
Jun1-2023--two militants shot dead in seperate KP incidents and a soldier protecting a polio team also killed in north waziristan
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