Jan31-2024--four killed in Sibi ...three of them from the PTi when a pTI leaders election rally hit by a roadside bomb asit was passing thru the town..a pti candidate also shot dead in bajaur
Jan31-2024--PPP suggesting that the PTI will be sidelined for the future and voting for them would be a useless exersize...
Jan31-2024--imran and his dubious controversial wife sentenced to 14 years in toshakhana case and fined Rs787 million each...while imran had set out on a anti corruption platform he quickly turned turtle and decided to make as much money as he could...with some rumours saying that he would "take his hissa"...more damaging was perhaps the farah gujjar case who ran away with a billion in extortion collections...however even in that rumours suggest that he took his share...most feel that imran and his lawyers were unable to present any rebuttal...others suggest that he could retain gifts and selling them for paltry sums was an insult to the state...!
Jan30-2024--in the cipher case imran and shah mahood qureshi sentenced to ten years each...initially he started waving the supposed cipher in speeches and than sent them to other actors of state and than used it in a assembly drama that led to his removal from office...he said that the american official donald LU was responsible and not him..Donald Lu had apparently said that relations with pakistan would sour if imran was not removed in the no trust ...however the pakistan embassy in the uSA said that Donald Lu was very friendly and used to chair their proceedings regularly.....apparently he/nephew/niece sent the cipher to 1200 persons worldwide...shah mahmood qureshi apparently edited the cipher and would produce new versions everyday...however imran was charged with stealing the cipher and revealing state secrets...
Jan30-2024-- coordinated terror attacks in Mach town...railway station, central jailand police station attacked...shootout between terrorists and security forces...one policeman killed...
Jan29-2024--PTI unveils manifesto as police disperse rallies, dozens picked up
Jan28-2024--The PTI has asked its candidates to come out on the streets today at 2 and hold rallies and street meetings...already there are reports that clashes occurred in Karachi as the party had not sought an NOC from the authorities...otherwise the PTI candidates are campaigning well and their banners are visible all over the place...the party has to realise that canvassing thru banners and door to door is the way...social media is just not that accessible when too many people access one site...the pti voters need to know the symbols of their candidates as their party and symbol are not listed...
Jan28-2024--Some facts about Nawaz Sharif --
an old foto of nawaz sharif...he has a tendency to sneer and squint..probably allergic to sunlight...still has a motorway complex...
Nawaz Sharif was born in 1948 to an immigrant lohar family from east punjab... has a law degree and joined his fathers industry...Mian Sharif in his early years was a contractor and apparently whenever he visited a government office for his contracts he used to give every employee 8annas(than known as a athani)(that is said by many tobe the early form of corruption)...supposedly Nawaz sharif went to study at George Masons a law university in the USA but dropped out--the courses were too difficult...?..he joined politics in the mid seventies when zulfikar ali bhutto nationalized his father's industry...initially he was in exile in the UAE ...he returned when Zia ul haq took over after a coup de tat in 1977..the MI general who was punjab governor made him punjabs finance minister and returned his father's industry...He supposedly was the cause in the rapid rise of his father's industries from one to 20...later on the industries were distributed between his father's brothers and nawaz sharifs family got three or four industries...he later setup three sugar mills, a textile factory and a paper mill...he had to face many cases about his industries setup and his loans but was eventually exonerated...he was however forced to sell his father's main industry to repay 6 billion in loans that he had acquired as chief minister punjab...his three sugar mills which he had shifted to south punjab illegally were closed down by shebaz sharif...
Nawaz Sharif was born to a family of industrialists(at that time small bussinessmen) in Gawalmandi, Lahore, made his money in steel rerolling and wheat harvestor manufacturing and grew the family-run Ittefaq Group. He apparently also made parts for the military's jeep project "Nishan. Also made moving belt systems to move luggage in airports...Maryam Nawaz also married into a contractor family who got some contracts in the new islamabad airport building...
He entered politics in the late 1970s and was picked as finance minister of Punjab in 1981 as a budding military backed politician. Most of his problems related to loans and financing of family industries and periods when he was in exile...
His father and eventually Nawaz Sharif were known to have close ties with generals specifically Zia Ul Haq and the ISI of the time impressing them with policies that spurred economic growth in Punjab and was groomed by military dictator Zia ul-Haq. With the generals' backing, he became the chief minister of Pakistan's most populous and prosperous province in 1985. After the death of Zia ul Haq he created the PMLn and won an election under the banner of the IJI which was said tobe ISI backed
In 1990, Sharif won a general election and became prime minister for the first time, succeeding Pakistan's first female prime minister, Benazir Bhutto, whose government was dismissed by the then president on charges of corruption.
In 1993, Sharif ran afoul of the then-president who dismissed his government on charges of nepotism and corruption. The Supreme Court later restored his rule, but Sharif and the president failed to reconcile, and both resigned.
In a 1997 general election, Sharif's Pakistan Muslim League - Nawaz (PML-N) rode to victory and he became prime minister for a second time.
Pakistan conducted its first test of a nuclear weapon in May 1998 under Sharif's leadership, in response to arch-rival India which conducted its second nuclear weapon test just days before.
Sharif was also prime minister when Indian and Pakistani forces battled, between May and July 1999, in Kargil, in the disputed Kashmir region.
He fell out with the then army commander, General Pervez Musharraf who he tried to replace while on a journey to sri lanka where he supposedly got too friendly with indian generals...in late 1999 he was ousted in a military coup. He was later sentenced to life imprisonment and went into exile in Saudi Arabia. He returned to Pakistan in 2007.
In the 2008 elections nawaz sharif had a good chance of forming the government but had to back out when benazir was assassinated before the polls...
Sharif fought a bitter contest with rival Imran Khan, the former cricket hero turned politician, in the 2013 general elections and won, becoming prime minister for a third time.
Attempting to normalise relations with India, Sharif launched trade talks in 2014. The following year, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi with whom he tried to be chummy/friendly...visited the Pakistani city of Lahore to meet Sharif.
In 2017, Sharif was removed as prime minister through a court verdict following a corruption investigation related to the Panama papers revelations. In July 2018, Pakistan's anti-graft court sentenced him to 10 years in prison for corruption.
In December 2018, Sharif was convicted on graft charges in a separate case and sentenced to seven years in prison. He denied any wrongdoing and said the charges were politically motivated.
Sharif was released on medical bail in October 2019 and left Pakistan weeks later, but he remained minimally active in politics from London while Shabaz Sharif took control of the party,
he returned in late 2023 and in most of his cases the sentences were overturned and his assetts returned...
Jan28-2024--In another incident in Iran nine pakistanis were killed in Saravan...apparently by three armed men who fired on them in their residence at an auto workshop where they worked...three others were injured...apparently this could be the work of a baluch militant/liberation organisation...however such actions in the border areas are usually conducted by irans security forces/IRG/border guards probably under political orders under the present conflict like situation between the two countries...the car mechanics hailed from south punjab and had work permits...the map indicates the sistan area in iran which is quite poverty stricken and underdeveloped as shown by the pakistan bombing area below...given pakistans subjugated approach they targeted ordinary or even vacant areas to bomb...they should have gone for irani radars or short range missile sites...to have an effect on iran...some suggested that nobody was killed in the pakistani raids and the iranians killed the pakistanis falsely killed in the air raids...!Irans conflict with sunni's is the basic reason for the iranian actions...otherwise Pakistan would by now be another houthi type state...the regional subjugation policies followed by iran in Lebanon, Iraq and Syria are similar in nature...
Jan27-2024--The BYC received a good welcome on getting back to Quetta after a month long sit-down in Islamabad where they were harassed by Islamabad police and the federal government forced them to go back...while Dr.Mahrang Baloch had a different tone there than in islamabad...she referred to Baluchi's being treated worse than Bengalis and that in Islamabad their veils were torn of their heads...here she had been praising Punjabis…Jan Achakzai the Baluch information minister said that amnesty international had been duped by “unverified claims, biased sources, and demonstrably false narratives” created by separatist elements with vested interests.
Jan27-2024--The PMLn has released its manifesto finally forcing the PMLn's nawaz sharif to stand against the price fixers in the IMF, army, government, bussiness and industry...with some catchy slogans like "pakistan ko nawaz sharif do" and "pakistan ke liye""sher ko vote do".." awam ke liye" "pakistan ka - pakistan ke liye"...their advert also features a vastly developed Pakistan that they left behind in which roti was Rs4...!you can find their video ad on youtube named --in se naam roshan karen:pakistan ka--pakistan ke liye ن سے نام روشن کریں: پاکستان کا—پاکستان کیلئے!clickhere
Jan27-2024--The elections are moving towards a three man race between the independents, PPP and PMLn with the IPP, TLP, Juif , baluch players, JI, mqm and PTIP playing support roles...?Jan27-2024--The PPP is trying to play the spoilers role in a contest between the independents and the PMLn...? Bilawal bechara with a father and grandfather involved in murders is trying to ensnare the PMLn and PTI vote and fool sindhi's...(with whom he wont even shake hands because he is an elitist trying to keep his dynasty going--does not want to get his hands dirty shaking hands with ordinary slum dwelling commoners--with a nawabi tabeeat")..he seems to suggest that the arrow looks like a bat and can kill while the bat can only smash heads...getting the independent winners into his coalition might be a difficult job given the imran mania of the independents...the PMLn suggests that babies and children should stay at home...or in the provinces...so will it be the 'goons from nawabshah' or Qilla Gujjar Singh or nobodies independents...! some suggest that whoever can run away with the independents to "Changa Manga-- (a resort or local tourism spot)" might be forming the government...! any of the top three maybe leading in the vote numbers...
Jan27-2024--The SC in appeals in three benches allow several dubious characters of the PTI to participate in elections overriding the RO's and high court tribunals. The SC seemed to suggest that they are the RO's for the PTI with PTI supporting judges even suggesting that that there are no rules for denying an election participant...this is a clear denying of obvious constitutional provisions and rules that RO's have to follow...there is than no justification of denying imran participation when an absconder clearly in the may9 cases is allowed...another dubious rich man was allowed to buy plots from jail and not mention that in his election documents...This sort of SC judgements clearly suggest that everyone can apply to the SC rather than ECP for running elections and nobody has to follow any rules etc...no need for RO's at all...hopefully they will not come in to judge the vote numbers too..whatever they are and decide that they cannot override their judgements and they will decide whether they have won or lost...
Jan27-2024--candidates for the national assembly...the PTi has most candidates 246 followed by the TLP 223...the pti has transformed into a dynasty type family approach where the candidates have wives and sons or daughters contesting...many candidates are standing in upto three seats like Sanam Javed on three seats in Lahore...it seems odd as the PTi has no shortage of candidates...and extra seats have tobe given up anyway...the most candidates on a seat are 46 in NA255 and NA263 and the lowest are 8 on NA8, 10, 14...a few PTI candidates have been rejected while some like Sanam Javed are contesting on three in lahore from jail...
Jan26-2024--troops to guard polling stations from outside while sensitive stations will be covered by the mililtaries riot control group which have several vehicles and even a crane for emergencies headed by a senior military officer...
Jan26-20240--The PTI founder dupes country when he says that political engineering by institutions cannot be controlled by politicians...what we have seen in these last three governments has been effective control by the political governments...In the PTI era fawad chaudhry statements showed that the PTI government was aware of what the NAB was doing and no cases were made against the PTI even though there were creditable allegations in matters such as the Peshawar metro and billion tree programs...they could not even stop the corruption in appointments with reference to usman buzdar/farahgujjar...who ran off with 1 billion rupees in corruption proceeds...however as is apparent that the government controls cases against its own party and allows a free for all against the opposition or former rulers...Thus the institutions clearly are doing what the government wants whether ordered todo so or not...
Jan25-2024--SHC orders federal government to control outages on social media
Jan25-2024--IHC restores powers of Islamabad chief commissioner
Jan24-2024--arny personnel to guard polling stations
Jan23-2024--PTA links internet disruptions to system installation issues..500 social media accounts being monitored for a malicious anti judiciary campaign
Jan23-2024--Army gets 50000 acres in Sindh for corporate farming... i.e. for not troubling baby Bilawal...apparently the military is taking on the role of tenant(mazare) and everything they earn is for Sindh or development...military earns a lot from Corp businesses and DHA 's and its industries but never have they ever given anything back...!
Jan23-2024-- seven terrorists killed in Zhob...
Jan23-2024--former judge shaukat aziz siddiqui blamed faiz hameed to have interfered in in IHC constitution of benches and influencing proceedings to prolong detention of nawaz sharif and his daughter...faiz hameed rejected the allegations...siddiqui also blamed three retired brigadiers irfan ramay, faisal marwat and tahire wafai
Jan23--2024--Pakistan's Houthi government(Iranian orderlies/sympathizers) apparently ready to push everything under the carpet for Iran...some even suggest that they just want to move on...it is like this... tell us in future of your dubious intentions/intrusions into our territory and we will control our reactions...meaning slap us with your slippers(joote maro) and we will not flinch...apparently trade corridors open along Iran border while they have been closed at Torkham until truck drivers get passports...apparently the logic they follow is that Iran also bombed Iraq and Syria and they were unable to retaliate as they are under Iranian occupation...!...?
Jan22-2024--the huffing and puffing of Bilawal (basically trying to vilify Nawaz Sharif) whom many call the Pota of a killer and who is apparently here to kill us in our homes. He apparently responded that even his father has killed two or three...! while he seems tobe the only campaigner around many doubt his capabilities...he is also poaching on resources of other parties and wants to take PTI independents to Larkana...! while Nawaz sharif is the only campaigner who seems satisfied whatever happens win or lose and the PTI's nobody(Gohar alias buneri talibani) who is apparently an alcoholic...! since he is not even a chairman now plays the threatening underdog zakhmi(PTI walon ko bahut dard he logon ke vote ka) while imran has been accused of fornication technically sex w/o marriage (PTi walas respond that he has been having sex since age 12)...innuendo has it that apparently in two marriages imran had sex before getting married...the PTI has independents on all seats and they have advertised their symbols...while the ECP has done nothing to stop their ads suggesting that they are members of the nonexistent evil PTI...Fawad Chaudhry has apparently boycotted the elections...sheikh Rashid has tears in his eyes in jail probably as at long last he will lose the elections......! while PTI's independents are confident it can be anybody's election technically based on the choice of the people...what happens if independents win is any bodies guess...The PTi should prepare for somebody tobe the leader who is acceptable to the establishment...! somebody who can quickly get the support of the independents (Independents Inc. International aka III) and form a group...forward blocks could be the other answer which normally form coalitions with other larger blocks...! getting approval for another dubious intraparty election could be difficult...
Jan20-2024--senior polio official shot dead in Bajaur a doctor at the local DHQ
Jan20-2024--Zaka Ashraf fired by the Kaker government as PCB head...he was trying to get himself elected as the PCB boss...his team to play New Zealand fared poorly...even players like Baber Azam getting out flailing at deliveries above their heads...and the openers never lasted most then a few deliveries(they say Mohd Rizwan ordered them to hit out on the third delivery)...some of the players selected had terrible T20 records...Azam khan 10 matches for 27 runs...haseebullah has a terrible record too...why u need three keepers is not understood as yet...Abbas Afridi and Zaman khan performed creditably...
Jan 19-2024--Iran's internal politics has long affected the very lowly populated Baluchistan border areas and the region and at times the world......while militarization of the border has continued Pakistan has kept a relatively low profile despite Irani threats, drone incursions, incursions and missile attacks...in the shah of Irans time Iran was the dominant power in the Persian gulf and famously gave us the use of his F-104's during the 1965 war with India...however the Iranians have generally been a closed country ever since the Islamic revolution(generally starting out with a liberal Bani Sadr it has become a tightly Shiite controlled conservative ideological state concerned more with strategic control over its population and other Shiite areas and becoming deeply embroiled in anti-USA/anti Sunni confrontations) ...however Iran has continued to expand its control into Lebanon, Syria and Iraq over time. A few years ago an Irani drone was shot down by the Pakistani Airforce over Baluchistan...its control over the Houthis in Yemen troubled the Saudis and that destabilized Yemen...the Houthis and Hezbollah have become sort of front men for Iran...while Saudis has disentangled itself from involvement in Iraq and Yemen...Yemen recently fired missiles at ships in the red sea in support of Gaza causing US retaliatory bombings...however Iran has had problems with Kurds and Baluch internally which have spilled over into Pakistan...recently the wave of rebellious Kurds in a women liberation movement have caused Iran to tighten local police/social controls causing tensions/bombings/protests that could have external links...one of those bombings was claimed by the Jaish Adl a relatively shadowy Sunni Baluch group based along the Baluchistan border...the following dawn article details some history of the problems on the border...
have not heard of 30 cobra helicopters sent by the shah of Iran...however Pakistan has been relatively cooperative even allowing their hooded military men to attack militants in KP to get released their captives...Pakistan had a relatively healthier relationship with earlier Iranian foreign ministers...the Rigi brothers were from Sistan...as far as Chabahar is concerned the Baluchistan governments were fully cooperative and even offered/arranged for a road tobe built from Chabahar to the Baluchistan border...! Irans assault on Panjgur villages is not unprecedented. Earlier Pakistan generally backed down...

Jan19-2024--Iran on Tuesday had launched attacks in Pakistan targeting what it described as bases for the militant group Jaish al-Adl in the border town of Panjgur in Balochistan, Iranian state media reported, prompting strong condemnation from Islamabad and downgrading of diplomatic ties.
Iran stressed that it differentiated between “Pakistan’s friendly and brotherly government and armed terrorists”, adding that it considered the security of its people and its territorial integrity as a “red line” and called on Islamabad to prevent the establishment of “terrorist bases”.
In response to the iranian assault on border villages the ISPR said hideouts used by BLA and BLF were successfully struck in the military operation in border areas of iran namely saravan... adding that “precision strikes were carried out using killer drones, rockets, loitering munitions and stand-off weapons” while maximum care was taken to avoid collateral damage.“The targeted hideouts were being used by notorious terrorists including Dosta alias Chairman, Bajjar alias Soghat, Sahil alias Shafaq, Asghar alias Basham and Wazir alias Wazi, amongst others,” it said.
“Pakistan Armed Forces remain in a perpetual state of readiness to ensure the safety of Pakistan citizens against acts of terrorism and cross border attacks,” the army’s media wing stated.
There were reportedly nine casualties that iran said were all foreign nationals...both sides stressed their national sovreignity and security concerns...relations that were sliding downwards yesterday saw the iranians saying they were trying to reconcile the damage that iran had caused by its actions...iran has to realize that pakistan is neither israel nor the usa and they must address pakistans concerns thru talks..if they cross the border militarily than there will be obvious retaliation...
Jan18-2024--Pakistan breaks of diplomatic relations with iran after irans border assaults...sends iranian ambassador packing
Jan18-2024--In Gilgit Baltistan wheat price increases have caused protests which are in the 22nd day..the caretakers need to pay attention to such problems...
Jan17--2024--The problem of delimitation when done without legislation to increase seats according to the 33 million increase in population in the latest census is very problematic...The ECP has done very haphazard re-adjustments to absorb the population by swelling/bloating various constituences and in some cases enlarging/reducing other constituencies by huge margins in area...delimitation when it was inevitable and the population increase known should have been accompanied by legislation to increase seats...a PDM failure as it was done at the last moment probably in the anticipation of delaying polls...since the seats were 266 they should have kept them unchanged until legislation could be arranged...that is to keep political priorities as they say on a level...however the changes says Dawn benefit various groups and politicians...while there is no evidence of political manipulation directly the ECp could have some internal polarizing views that were applied haphazardly or unevenly...they say that they tried to work on the district level populations ie try to keep a district together...
Jan17-2024--insurgency or terrorism has been increasing in pakistan mostly in KP and baluchistan with some anti chinese actions in baluchistan, karachi and kohistan...most terrorism in KP is said tobe an offshoot of PTI activism...terrorism/military operations usually in the kp's former tribal regions have shown a spurt in southern areas of late
The map of KP shows that terrorist actions took place all over the province barring hazara-kohistan and dir/chitral upper...Jan17-2024--Pakistan's Houthi foreign minister should resign after being chummily childish with the Iranians who retaliated by bombing two places in Panjgur saying they were Jaish Adl hq's...the foreign minister had assured Iran of help in dealing with its terrorism only recently...Pakistan condemned the cross border attacks calling them terrorist in intent and recalled its ambassador...residents of the small village where a mosque was bombed says drones were seen flying near the border after the missile attack...what are we...pliable puppets that everyone can bomb...Pakistan's military and government have failed to realize the nature of the Iranian regime and its intentions, attitudes and behavior...the Indians, Afghans and Iranians are technically similar in their attitudes to us...Pakistan too should bomb an Iranian outpost which many say have been organizing insurgency and blasts in Pakistan...!the Jaish Adl is similar in name to the PTi..the Iranians said to have bombed Iraq, Syria and Pakistan at the same time...Pakistan would find it difficult to bomb a mourning remembrance...Iran flailing away in meaningless retaliation...inside Iran they blamed the Isis and Israel...Iran upto now has been relying on cross border incursions...The border is poorly managed and Pakistan despite fencing it in some places has been unable to control Iran inspired insurgencies and smuggling...The Jaish Adl is generally Sistan based and not very active...the blast that the Iranians seem tobe retaliating against was blamed by the Iranians on Isis, Israel and the USA...Iran technically a militaristic police Shiite ideology type regime has been reeling recently against internal protests against its extremely conservative ideology...Iran fits its views on whatever target/logic/strategy/reasoning possible. Iran bombed Iraqi Kurds, a place near the USA consulate in Erbil, and supposedly Isis in Syria and Pakistan probably just for fun...i suppose we should not regard Iran as very friendly strategically/politically despite Shiite emotionalism...
Jan17-2024--ECP makes 647 million from election nomination fees...as for the PTi they can remain individually independent inside the parliament or join some other party in the first three days...technically PTI cannot have them disqualified for not following a party line...however they can act as a group or become a party...remaining independent has many uses as they can vote whichever way they want or go where the money is...other parties could make a bee line for them if they are willing to join them...in fact their size could determine how much influence they have...a very fragmented parliament usually ends quickly and goes for a new election...!Imran's plan C is probably " i don't know what to do" yet...the best way is probably to organize a creditable intra party election or register a new party ...PTI-2 and get the independents to join it after the parliament comes into being...with Imran generally ruling the party dictatorially he will probably find it difficult as independents are not orderlies usually...Imran says they were slaves and the courts have given them independence...!
Jan17-2024--government has formed a JIT to investigate anti judiciary campaign...the PTi generally inside the court behaves like a sheep dog or paltu billy of the judiciary while outside they spread all sorts of rumour and innuendos and malicious views...
Jan17-2024--15 confirmed cases of new Jn-1 covid variant announced
Jan16-2024--imran continued to lament on the umpires being against him as usual...something that is not quite clear in this situation...he should realize that he is not a batsman/cricketer and playing cricket by now....he seems mentally slow in becoming a politician...probably he is still on a PCB pension...there are possibilities that qazi faez isa could have some bias as imran was clearly behind instituting corruption charges against him however he would need two pukhtun judges out of three to get a favorable decision...imran has clearly dug his own fate/grave by mounting a needless front against the ECP chief and backing a ineffective pukhtun nobody as temp chairman...nawaz has obviously waited it out...The PTi says it is going for a review in the SC ECP-bat decision...they are already claiming that their followers are corrupt or will be corrupted...many think that they should work to hold a credible election or get a new party ...PTI2 registered or select one small party to join after the elections...given their usual behaviour they are unlikely to reform/prepare substantially...so that will leave their independents in a quandary...will they join the established other parties or join a smaller party eg. PMLq...rah e haq or even the army favored PPP etc...
Jan16-2024--a possible coalition at this stage...
i have not included bilawal the militaries actual ladla initially who can be a foreign minister again...Bilawal technically anti PMLn and allying with religious zealots...he is also trying tobe a jiyala when he wont even shake hands with sindhi PPPwalas..jiyalas are always trouble historically...!.The situation if independents and/or Pti-p win big can change...The independents ie former PTI walas may probably have no option given PTI's refusal to accept reality...to join IPP or Pti-p or some smaller party like the PMLq or PPP...interesting situation anyway..however possibility of another changa Manga is there...!
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