2018 Elections

2018 Elections
election results in 2018..PTI than just a pukhtun based party literally surged in Punjab and karachi to emerge as the largest party with 114 seats in the national assembly

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Daily Pakistan Politics (Pakistan Punch/Political Punch) August 16-31, 2024

Aug28-2024--according to news items forces have started to hunt down militants who seemingly live in a widespread Baluch area....while the BLA head seemingly is pukhtun...the modus operandi of the Baluch militants is generally similar to their past activities...gunning down innocent Punjabi traveler's has happened in a number of past attacks as has the bombing of railway tracks...arson and road blocking they have probably learned from the PTI...while gunfights with the security forces are the norm as is the attack on levies and police stations...such a large scale burning of trucks(27) is probably a new tactic...most of the attacks are focused on a anti Punjabi bent of mind which is typical of pukhtuns...as trucks go to Punjab and Karachi generally...while truck owners could be pukhtun/Punjabi/sindhi...Punjab which has some minor support for militancy as well as opposition will hardly be affected...many regard the attacks as very similar to the PTI May9 violence...some have even voiced PTI involvement...apparently the baluchistan cm told Gandapur that if they ever attack balochistan again they will retaliate...there have been retaliation discussions in punjab too...attacking transport systems can only cause problems to everyone and create some problems in delivery of consumer items...the Baluch do inhabit Karachi and buses and trains are a key to their own travel...attacking Punjabi interests supposedly is to undermine the Pakistan Army which is not Punjabi except at the top...it will not have the desired effects as the security forces have an independent mind and it might cause a delay in transportation of some things like fruits and coal but that is generally overcome in a few days..The actual intent is probably to create some sort of internal change of mind amongst the Baluch by creating shortages and forcing them to stay at home...People have short memories, and they forget and move on unless u can create permanent mayhem and chaos...

The death toll is now 38 civilians, 14 security men and 21 militants...27 trucks three pickups and a few other vehicles were also burnt....while Baluchistan has a need of Punjabi unskilled workers their need is  not something that is very necessary...most are construction workers, people going to Iran or immigrating to Europe...Punjabi workers should be advised that there are problems due to militancy and going there should be avoided if not necessary...as for trucks/buses they supply fruits and coal, and the Baluch could take over the trucks and driving...In Punjab those skills are largely Pukhtun and they could replace the Punjabi manpower in Baluchistan...however a lot of Quetta cafes have sprung up in Rawalpindi...

With a poor and ineffective police force most of the hunt for militants will be carried out by the FC and military whose tactics will be the same as the militants...the police at least should patrol the main highways and keep a watch on railway bridges...keeping a watch on internet usage also becomes necessary...

In politics what we have seen are various political parties patching together various types of coalitions which are different in each election...the influentials still keep their electoral power...just by shifting with winds...the militants and those protesting other aspects of the situation also thing that they can get power only by having various aspects of power which includes the street, demos and militancy...while they have some support in some areas they do not seem tobe working towards political elections...because they could easily join or form political parties...usually pukhtun and baluch nationalist groups and parties nowadays donot do as well as in the past...that is because of entrenched tribal or other leaderships and not being able to convert support into votes...to a large extent this is due to the large areas involved and ethnic and tribal differences...It is not the government that can make them shift as they will largely have to make their own decisions...the militants donot generally seem to have a large scale public appeal and their tactics are also meant to attack a very small minority workforce and transport,security and police systems...The PTI shifted to violence after becoming popular while the Baluch militants are working the other way...the Baluch militancy was initially launched by famous tribal leaders and they were subdued over a long time by the security forces which even used to bomb them with sabres as long ago as the sixties...however the tribal leaders and sardars have kept their  support bases even after their leaders went into exile...now the militancy is a mix of militant groups and tribal and religious(Taliban) type conflicts...while religious conflicts have become dubious with the Taliban regrouping in Afghanistan other regional conflicts have been casting a larger shadow over the systems general failure to provide security as well as economic wellbeing...electoral /democratic norms are not  regarded as the major problems...you can always tweak any electoral process if it is problematic

As far as out of the box solutions are considered u could appoint the dubious in some aspects Mahrang Baluch who commands some respect in Baluch areas to a key position such as handling disappeared persons or even the governor or at least an advisor...or u can offer the militants the position of governor...if they can recommend someone from the mainstream...!u can offer them some incentives that they are agreeable too them including an amnesty if they agree to stop terrorism... !that could include area development or  in the extreme new elections...in the interim the government can start fast paced work to solve disaster created problems such as rebuilding, homes, bridges and roads...!

Aug28-2024--Multan receives record rainfall

 Aug27-2024--In widespread violence Sunday night the BLA terrorized many Baluch areas storming police stations, blowing up railway tracks and setting fire to almost three dozen vehicles including trucks and blocking many roads...it had a remarked similarity to the PTI May 9 arson attacks...23 passengers were shot dead mostly said tobe Punjabis in a border area near Punjab named as Musakhail..6 bodies found  in Bolan and 7 killed in Kalat...ISPR says 21 terrorists killed as well as 14 soldiers and policemen...most of the targets were security personnel and Punjabis...victims were also truck drivers carrying fruit and coal to Punjab... at least 35 vehicles including trucks, passenger vehicles, pickups and other vehicles were set on fire...in Kalat police stations, levies station, two hotels and a residence of a tribal elder attacked...at least two railway lines were blown up blocking traffic to the rest of Pakistan and Iran...similarly roads and highways were blocked in Kalat, Mastung, Bela, Turbat and Panjgur including the coastal highway...in Lasbela the militants stormed a camp of the Fc ramming in a explosive laden truck...In a  Bela FC camp attack  two females suicide bombers from Gawader were involved who were named on the internet...The BLA chief was named as Bashir Zeb

Aug27-2024--The PTI trying to subvert the SC and stopping them reviewing the reserved seats verdict which is largely considered flawed...They also want the government to announce the next CJ a PTI affiliated judge immediately...PMLn still holding out on retaining Qazi isa somehow or the other...technically the seniormost judge has to be appointed the next CJ...some hope for an age amendment or doing away with the seniormosts appointment as until the reserved seats is implemented there is the possibility of a constitutional amendment...

Aug27-2024--In north Waziristan a former militant commanders' vehicle was attacked by a suicide bomber killing four...ex militant survived...

26Aug-2024--all 25 perished as a bus fell into a ravine near Kahuta...while 11 who were returning from the Iran border after their documentation was not complete died as their van also fell into a ravine at Buzi Pass in Baluchistan

Aug25-2024--The government has come up with new view on the USC that it is going tobe restructured so the well off cannot avail of cheaper goods...there are no cheap/subsidized goods at the USC...the minister obviously has not seen the prices at a USC which are similar to the market...

Aug25-2024--women and two children killed in motorcycle blast in a busy market near Pishin police headquarters

Aug25-2024--three SNGPL workers abducted from Bakakhel a Bannu area

Aug24-2024--the government has decided to windup the Utility Stores corporation which runs 4000 utility stores...while initially very successful when they sold things at a discount of 10%...however in due course the workers took the 10% share and people started going to go back to local stores ...The government tried to use the stores for periodic subsidies in atta and ghee, sugar but the local stores were able to challenge them...usually there are still occasional problems in sugar prices...however the stores are now usually empty of customers...they also developed packing of sugar, rice and lentils/ daals...could be involved in import of lentils and sugar etc. Things have changed a lot from the sixties when there were widespread shortages and sugar and atta were available at ration shops...while sometime things like sugar and atta due to higher prices do vanish but the people are not affected much...

Aug24-2024--another school van was attacked in Attock injuring the driver by knifes wielding attackers...24 hours earlier another school van was attacked killing two minor children and injuring five others..

Aug23-2024--after a party informant told him that workers planning another May9... imran supposedly canceled the Aug22 jalsa in Tarnol and shifted it to Sep8...

Aug23-2024--12 police officers killed in a rocket attack in Machka rea after returning in two vehicles from patrolling the dacoit infested area on the Punjab- Sindh katcha area border

Aug22-2024--Imran worried over Faiz Hameed's martial law trial...the case in question has little to-do with imran and probably Faiz Hameed can get off lightly by returning stolen things or by weaving his imran era magic...what imran is worried about that Faiz Hameed might start advising the military about imran etc...

Aug22-2024--bus crash takes lives of 28 Pakistanis visiting Iran for various Shiite rites...

Aug21-2024--three BLA militants killed in Mastung operation

Aug21-2024--government coalition in an uproar as conservative PPP can't tolerate free spending Maryam Nawaz especially on her electricity subsidies...Murad says PMLN spending to right past wrongs.

Aug20-2024-- imran fears that Faiz Hameed  may turn approver against him in May9 cases...he should take responsibility as he knew...but imran lies whenever the fault is his own...these things were in preparation since his first dharna...maybe he should tell us what red line meant if he was arrested...these things appeared in the press and he was involved in the decision making...many know of many other generals who were involved with him including former ISI chiefs...

Aug20-2024--4 security men killed in clashes at the Afghan border along with five militants...

Aug20-2024--Fafen says that election tribunals have only disposed of 25 of 377 appeals...in Baluchistan 17% cases have been decided and only a half per cent in Punjab 4% in KP...the legal limit to decide is 180 days!

Aug19-2024--government pins blame on internet problems to use of VPN which supposedly avoids being monitored...however the problems of overload especially on mobile load are due to increase of users...The government says 4-6new cables are being laid

Aug19-2024--2 soldiers and cop killed in Dera Ismail Khan and Lakki attacks

Aug18-2024--government says that Faiz Hameed involved in Imran's conspiracy while imran who blinked first in his confrontation with the former army chief says transfer of Faiz Hameed to Peshawar was part of conspiracy against him...Faiz purportedly transferred as agreement of Taliban and USA was near and he had the information to control things...!

Aug17-2024--Maryam Nawaz in a sweeping gesture cuts electricity prices by Rs.14 for those using upto 500 units...the center should realize that they should reduce prices for all users...it is just not justified to increase prices from Rs15 to Rs70 and then keep charging monthly fuel adjustments as well...!

Aug17-2024--Three militants killed in Razmak in exchange of fire with security forces

Aug17-2024--a former deputy superintendent of the adiala jail arrested for facilitating imran and carrying his messages surreptitiously...

Aug16-2024--internet problems being used for propaganda as government unable to handle complaints...the government technically is not a ISP and could be doing a revamp of internet security systems...in most cases increased use of mobile internet and almost everybody doing it  nonstop 24 hours a day...

Aug16-2024--seven militants killed in Kurram operation...

Aug16-2024--two brigadiers and colonel arrested in faiz court martial

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How it all started...coups and politics and islam and democracy...

How it all started...coups and politics and islam and democracy...
how bhuttos got into politics in 1958...

debacle in Dacca

debacle in Dacca
total humiliation...India had steadily destabilized east pakistan over twenty years playing on ethnic, financial, development and military concerns...pakistan was not that rich at that time and the ethnicists played on phsychosis generated by cyclones, floods, tea and jute...the army and west pakistani politicians could not accept a bengali dominated government and a small army contingent could not defend against the mukti bahini and the indians as teh US withdrew its support as usual...When teh going gets tough teh US chickens out as usual...!! The indians have continued teh same themes in karachi, sindh and balochistan but similar tougher responses have not allowed their success although pakistan is now at best a divided land with a pathetic center...!!While it left pakistan numb at the time many now feel the seperation was a proper solution as east pakistanis did not get along with pakistan and they would be better able to solve their problems with india...others still pine away for the lost land of rivers, tea and jute...others suggest that india should handover kashmir in exchange...while some still want to repatriate those considered pakistanis and left stranded in bangladeshi camps...others however heave a sigh of relief as teh problems with the remaining provinces are generally insoluble.....and ethnic regionalism or provincialism mixed with economic and racial nonsense is not a pleasant mode of politics anyway...

allah be praised

allah be praised
allah be praised...i do own forty factories but the people think i am a pauper...i really donot need sarkari umra's....please allah i did not promise imran khan the government when he fell off the platform...cant u make him my slave and not ask for recounts...!

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