2018 Elections

2018 Elections
election results in 2018..PTI than just a pukhtun based party literally surged in Punjab and karachi to emerge as the largest party with 114 seats in the national assembly

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Daily PakistanPolitics Oct1-Oct2, 2009

  • Oct1-2009--Inter risk owner of a suspect US funded security firm arrested
  • Oct2-2009--In what can be termed according to one unknown commentator an eternal shame and humiliation television stations discussed teh Kerry Lugar bills political provisions and how the money would be spent...some said it was an attempt at micro management as conditions for review of aid included whether an appropriate or US reccommended army chief is selected...pakistans education syllabus...how the kashmir liberation struggle is managed...whether LT or JS are encouraged or not...stoppage of terrorist participation etc etc...access to Nuclear experts and stoppage of proliferation...The aid bill is so designed that aid can be stopped whenever the US feels like it.....a simple provision would have sufficed that aid will be stopped whenever US government orders are not followed..american ambassadors recent utterances suggest that she already felt that they had occupied pakistans government...The aid collecting PPP regime suggested that the provisions were agreed to by them and were their policy...also suggesting that the GOP would be dispensing teh aid which past experience shows has never yet happened...In the frontier and Fata experiments with contractors have already failed...In the past aid as small as $10 million has been dispensed thru US contractors...with the government having no real policy apart from distributing shares to state sector workers and raising prices of agricultural products and electricity the kerry suggestion that it would be spent on social development and helping the people was laughed off by many...The PPP regime is very keen to say that this is according to an IMF agreement ...now they will probably say we agreed todo this under teh kerrylugar bill...
  • Oct2-2009--The at best soft ISI chief has met US intelligence officials who according to one television station gave him recorded telephone calls of taleban activity in quetta...The US which has been trying to kill anyone in afghanistan who opposes them or karazai is being urged to let teh afghans fight it out or talk it out while they merge into teh gloom...the general perception that karazai is indianized seems to have changed with the US being encouraged to accept him despite his lack of success...why the ISI chief is frightened of a US failure despite what has happened in pakistan during their occupation is quite surprising...
  • Oct2-2009--The army it seems is ready for an operation in south waziristan the heartland for the pakistani or mehsud taleban...the army has encircled teh area with support of some militants in north waziristan and the ahmedzai wazir areas...they suggest that it would be a tough battle and if succesful would divide the taleban in balochistan and the tribal areas which are a source of all arms and ammunition
  • Oct2-2009--The problems that the Kerry Lugar bill will pose pakistan became apparent as teh US ambassador and deputy ambassador mounted a show of force to force action against the quetta shura...many suggest that the bill and accusations against pakistan of one sort or another may not be just for american consumption and the US might shift its drones to attack balochistan as drone raids in fata are little more than useless...a baloch provincial minister said that they would deal effectively with teh drones...!
  • Oct2-2009--The current anti people regime seems to have less powers than teh supreme court and Nepra in matters that relate to teh people...SC to enforce a lower sugar price as government wont...one government minister said that electricity prices not our concern..
  • Oct2-2009--dawn says that uzbek leader tahir yaldashev killed in a drone attack...many suggest that baitullah mehsud might have been retired and relocated by teh taleban...
  • Oct2-2009--Interior minister says that Inter risk owner arrested for operating beyond license dates and having illegal weapons and not for working for the US embassy which says that they still have a contract with inter risk to provide armed Rs34000 pm security guards......
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    How it all started...coups and politics and islam and democracy...

    How it all started...coups and politics and islam and democracy...
    how bhuttos got into politics in 1958...

    debacle in Dacca

    debacle in Dacca
    total humiliation...India had steadily destabilized east pakistan over twenty years playing on ethnic, financial, development and military concerns...pakistan was not that rich at that time and the ethnicists played on phsychosis generated by cyclones, floods, tea and jute...the army and west pakistani politicians could not accept a bengali dominated government and a small army contingent could not defend against the mukti bahini and the indians as teh US withdrew its support as usual...When teh going gets tough teh US chickens out as usual...!! The indians have continued teh same themes in karachi, sindh and balochistan but similar tougher responses have not allowed their success although pakistan is now at best a divided land with a pathetic center...!!While it left pakistan numb at the time many now feel the seperation was a proper solution as east pakistanis did not get along with pakistan and they would be better able to solve their problems with india...others still pine away for the lost land of rivers, tea and jute...others suggest that india should handover kashmir in exchange...while some still want to repatriate those considered pakistanis and left stranded in bangladeshi camps...others however heave a sigh of relief as teh problems with the remaining provinces are generally insoluble.....and ethnic regionalism or provincialism mixed with economic and racial nonsense is not a pleasant mode of politics anyway...

    allah be praised

    allah be praised
    allah be praised...i do own forty factories but the people think i am a pauper...i really donot need sarkari umra's....please allah i did not promise imran khan the government when he fell off the platform...cant u make him my slave and not ask for recounts...!

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