Feb26-2023--taliban supposedly suggest that Pakistan pay for disarming the TTP...disarming militants is a fallacy as the tribal areas provides sufficient bombs, kalashnikovs and rocket launchers...!..Khawaja asif said that no such thing was talked about in over four hours of talks...
Feb26-2023--two police officers died in Khuzdar after a bomb attached magnetically to their vehicle blasted
Feb26-2023--migrant shipwreck in italy kills 33 including pakistanis, iranians and afghanis...
Feb26-2023--no news about the identity of the woman in the well in Barkhan...the granaz daughter found tortured and sexually abused...bomb blast in barkhan bazaar kills four...
Feb26-2023--Rajanpur Na-193 byelection today...ECP rejects commissioners security concerns...imran was to contest but he backed out to avoid disqualification in the tyrian white case...tyrian is an allegedly illegitimate daughter of the right wing extremist leader...now mohsin leghari-pti and ammar leghari to contest where the incumbent sardar jaffer of the pti passed way...most by-elections in the recent past have been on Pti held seats...
Feb26-2023--imran tweets that maryam nawaz is a spoilt brat raised on corruption money..while she tweeted back that he was being raised by retired and serving ISI chiefs and protected/propped up by army chiefs from arrest for 58 billion in corruption in the bahria town chiefs case...imran apparently took land and money in settling the corruption and money laundering case...!
Feb26-2023--Torkham reopened after a week
Feb26-2023--the punjab government wants PCB to pay 450 million for security instead of 50 million...they say the highly paid cricketers are provided security at home and on the road...!others say that security for cricketers is more like a Rs 50 million per day cost...some say Baber Azam is provided round the clock security and even his court cases are handled...!others say that either Shadab khan or Fakhre Zaman had put up a woman to say she was in a relationship with him...!others say that baber azam is gay...while some say he is paying blackmail to the woman thru shadab(a imran like niazi) khan...!
Feb25-2023--government seeking two SC judges to recuse themselves from suo moto elections date case..Justice ijaz ul hasan and justice mazhar ali naqvi said tobe imrans pocket men...The PMLn wants the courts to reopen/revisit other politics cases like the panama verdict which was an evil judges verdict against the good sharif...nobody else since charged for bataqa or uae resident visas...however the dubious CJ bandial wants a full court which also is the wish of the PMLn...The PMLn has come to the conclusion that the SC has given wrong verdicts in most political and constitutional cases...they now consider bajwa, faiz and CJ's saeed& nisar as being behind the ouster of Nawaz sharif...it was orchestrated military propaganda which downed a flabbergasted and unaware primeminister...
Feb25-2023--Apex body turns a blind eye to 40% inflation which is hardly economics and as the good general Bajwa(wanted naked men and foreigners to lie in the sun on beautiful baluchistan beaches) said that a poor economy turns the ordinary into terrorists...the apex body is just a facile rehetorical front organization and unless it deals with serious matters of politics and economy it is of no use...!earlier governments used to have army generals sitting in the cabinet...!
Feb25-2023--MOU signed to make Rawalpindi greener...the ever expanding roads have turned the sleepy town into a bundle of concrete...gone is the green chandni chowk...the tree lined mall and the huge tali trees on murree road..every government/contractor(bahria town types) tries it in rawalpindi... the only places left are usually road medians, chowks and some corners...sheikh the crooked i remember replanted 50 whole palm trees on Murree road imported from some remote area for (5 laks each cost) ..places like shahdara/rahim yar khan...safe to say none of them survived...
Feb25-2023--the illegal sport of kite flying killed three in rawalpindi, 25 injured and over 300 detained by police...shebaz sharif despite his reputation as a cruel and harsh administrator had banned kite flying after a motorcyclists throat was slit by a kite thread on the garhi shahu bridge in lahore ...if u report it to the police they will raid and catch the kite killers and tamash been..
Feb23-2023--the barkhan tragedy continues to haunt...dead woman also found alive...along with two children...two children still not found...minister and tribal chief arrested...they now say that woman found in the well around 17-18..that she was raped and shot thrice in the head and acid thrown on her face...!the women and two children found from a remote place on a tipoff...!the husband brought back from exile...
Feb223-2023--6 TTP militants killed in lakki marwat operation...
Feb23-2023--Judge asks government where imrans toshakhana gifts came from...there could be an element of corruption apart from money minting..toshakhana gifts since 2002 tobe revealed...limits purchase of toshahkhana gifts to $300...!or an element of illegal party funding...donations from heads of countries and multinationals is not allowed...military officers also routinely keep expensive gifts...methinks even foreign medals should be handed over to toshakhana...earlier Yusuf gilani and asif zardari took expensive Pajero/Prada type cars from toshakhana...
Feb23-2023--Police lockup Pti thugs(pti's rich millionaires if not billionaires) on imran orders of jail bharo...!a PTi activist sent to jail for 26 months for sedition in which he burnt a pakistani flag and put video on internet...imran tries to divide pakistan on ethnic national lines...using his afghan origins...these political thugs advize imrans continuous trouble making...usually imran has relied on political blackmail since his unconstitutional dharna..pti local leaders finding it difficult to spend even a few days in jail and are seen avoiding it....
Feb22-2023--now that Shebaz sharif is primeminister extra judicial killings have moved to islamabad...apparently police kill two supposedly involved in F9 park rape case incidently when they opened fire on police at a traffic junction...parents of one say they had already had him in custody...islamabad police developing a reputation ...earlier they shot a kid who troubled them when sheikh rashid was interior minister...
Feb22-2023--judges sound as if they want their own NAB law...it was alright if imran amended it twice...imran absolved his serving ministers etc. and businessmen and beaurocrats...the PMLn more concerned with excessive victimization...The courts could amend the law and make it it into a one line statement...anyone judge, fauji or others who gets involved in a one billion corruption reference be handed over to NAB in handcuffs...in recent times there have been only two deputy commissioners who ran away to dubai with the billions meant for motorway corruption...!and the imran and bushra in the toshakhana loot and plunder
Feb22-2023--Torkham again a flash point as taliban close the border...before there was chaman...taliban say no reason left to cross the border...trade trucks wait...many suggest that if Pakistan does not want terrorism than borders should be permanently closed...taliban aggrieved at their pets TTP being accused of terrorism or afghan patients not being allowed across...!
Feb22-2023--raid on a ministers farm in baluchistan...looking for a jail and how a women and her two sons were brutally murdered and thrown in a well one a half mile from the chiefs village...!his son says that they were in his jail...such brutality is really unjustified...husband says his five other children also in his jail...!there might be some honesty in baluchistan... however women send a video to legislators...!
Feb22-2023--important date ...pervez elahi quits his family and becomes PTI central president...!the depressed looking elahi says it would have been better if he had done it on the establishments advice...first the PTI wanted to make his son the CP...another sheikh rashid type follower of imran only...!how he will adjust his views...such as..i would like everyone to participate in politics...and imrans views...not the other parties ...only me...!
Fe22-2023--and lo and behold the NAB chief Aftab Sultan has resigned...says he was being pressured....!such a senior person and cant handle pressure...many had regarded him as having a soft corner for someone...Aftab Sultan in recent times has been head of IB which was one of the more prominent imran informants...it could not be the imran cases which are usually straight forward...where did the billion trees go...none planted in punjab at least barring a tiny japanese forest in lahore...! and how about the BRT corruption...straight from nowshera...The NAB chiefs have off late started to decide cases themselves...like shaukat tareen let off on two cases and elahis let off on all cases...!...saying the elahis are not corrupt ...did not occupy forest land and other cases
Feb20-2023--Alvi who has dreams of being the all in all(dentist) of Pakistan... meaning (he wanted his own son to have 100 american dental clinics in karachi alone) and that he wants to announce election dates himself and order around such thugs as the eCP and/or imran...!..another crooked imran in the making...u know when i say who is responsible for the shooting and there were three not one shooter...!everybody only saw one shooter and some suggest that he had two guys standing next to him...easy to find out how many shooters...look at the bullet casings... I thing the shooter only fired one cartridge of bullets and could not do the second...the PTi walas could only catch one...nobody saw the others run...they were so fast that they got to Lahore before imran...!...and the bhagora arshad sharif...suposedly so brave but ran on a few phone calls...and imran and bandiyal wont believe that he was shot incidentally...it is murder or nothing for imran and bandiyal...u cant give kenya and uae officials death sentences u crooked...!...how can sharif (shebaz)and some major general and sanaullah not have gotten him shot in kenya...bandiyal and imran dont believe in innocence until proven guilty...everyone in the PTi is blind barring u know who...he only believes in 'my spies told me..'...I even saw them while they were shooting and did not hit the ground...such bravery...and his crooked sleuths immediately knew who did it without need of any evidence...but I am afraid and threatened to visit the courts......so the president ordered the CEC to come and meet him...he refused and said the election date issue is subjudice...now that is real greatness...why go and see a ordinary dentist...a PTi minion...I have my own dentist.....I will go and meet imran himself...!to hell with free and fair elections...there will only be elections I say...!and does not the president have to act only on the primeministers advice...that means no date yet...!
Feb20-2023--after a honorable judge(sic)(?) was found talking to super crook Pervaiz Elahi ..u know the man who fooled the imran...Maryam says judges should resign...and what lose a 1 million in pension...with Bandiayal already practicing to say what imran says...she also expressed surprise at why imran who Rawalpindi has constantly benefited could not start a single project in Rawalpindi...!says foreign exchange reserves might not be substantial for years...!
Feb20-2023--our dumb ex primeminister says that the intelligence agencies could not record the phones of citizens...what a dupe...even your own phone keeps a record that can be accessed...and according to others literally all conversations constantly are taped as they are necessary to find out who said what...!..the intelligence agencies cant but the mobile companies can...!it is just like shirin mazari did it...!who had a recorder under the table...that is how it is done ...u stupid english cricketer...ISI say they have no recorders ...we only get videos and phone calls too...
Feb20-2023--the ball bearings in the brainwashed minds of the PTi have been eroded so much that they dont even remember things clearly...for example imran said "i wanted to resettle my friends of the TTP in the tribal territories..."...Nah says former inhuman rights minister shirin mazari and GHQ spy ..."it was our good friend Bajwa"...'i clearly remember that."..ball bearings totally ghis gaye hen...as our friend the present human rights minister Riaz Hussein said ...it was the TTP director Faiz Hameed who said he wanted them in the mainstream...he said it right in front of a in caamera meeting...now main stream of what...of Pakistani terrorism...as we all know that subterfuge, counter terrorism and even covert operations are the byword of the ISI...so is faiz hameed using the TTP crossovers for terrorist acts...it could be...easy to assume that it might...faiz hameed has a injured sense of worth and he has terrible feelings for some people...he could easily have organized a shooting or even advised imran to mount a anti Bajwa campaign......!our friends and foes in the Pti have really terrible memory(eroded ball bearings) and some regarded Bajwa as so friendly and that he handled everything even cleaned nullahs for them......with imran barely able to get out of his comfy sofa chair in Banigala! and they all forget that all the TTP walah's are from this country and have homes here...and the final nail...Taliban close down Torkham ...apparently Pakistan does not allow in patients or complete unknown other commitments or are they trying to stop another TTP gang from crossing over...!
Feb18-2023--while Imran said that he wanted to resettle the TTP in the tribal areas...The former inhuman minister Shirin Mazari said even that was a stolen Bajwa viewpoint...!there is no reality/legality to any enquiry against the army chief ...army officers can only be court martialled and that is not a civilian preserve...view points of the army chief are legal and in any discussion things can be uttered in opposition to dubious rulers trying to destroy the country...
Feb 18-2023--three TTP men raid a multi story police office/compound in karachi and were killed in police-rangers operation..one of them blew himself up..four others also killed...another PTI supported TTP operation...does not look like a police chiefs office...
Feb18-2023--a JI senator calls for an end to perks of all ministers, army chiefs, toshakhana benefits and judges...he said a judge gets pension of Rs1 million as well as free 2000 units electricity, 300 liters free petrol, free phone calls upto Rs3000...judges even when retired do practice and such pensions and perks seem quite out of place...60 bullet proof luxury cars were being used by just the cabinet...and 150000 official vehicles are filled daily with free petrol...the army chief even gets free food...even when the 85 member cabinet do not avail a salary there are numerous other costly perks such as free cars, houses and phones etc...
Feb19-2023--weekly inflation surges to 34%
Feb17-2023--a leopard coming from no where runs wild in the DHA jumping into houses and evading capture for a long time before it was shot with a tranquilizer...islamabad still has its wild life...wild boars are quite common...probably trying to markout new territory or looking for a female or food...leopards have been seen at various places on the margalla hills recently like the trails and the nicholson monument...some say that it might be a escaped private pet..there favorite food are deer which are not quite common here...most of the islamabad housing has been built on wild hilly type areas which might have been the leopards habitat...
Feb17-2023--woman dies in jaffer express train explosion which runs from quetta to peshawar
Feb17-2023--with almost everyone refusing to give a date for the provincial elections it might be for the SC to announce a date …the ECP said that consultations with the Punjab governor were not effective...why everyone is reluctant to give a date is unclear...the judiciary should step up and bite the bullet...
Feb17-2023--Shahid Khaqan Abbasi meets Maryam Nawaz but seems uneasy at the party administration situation...and his own position...Maryam only assured him of his choice of candidates in his area of influence...The PMLn is not participating in the by elections purportedly as the candidates wanted upto one crore in funds...the PPP and PMLn should however agree on a joint independent candidate...just for the fun...usually individuals who opt out of parties can win in their own areas and shahid khaqan is an option for the PMLn to win in other areas if he can organize a large enough following especially in Pti areas...others suggest that he has the option of joining the PTi with whom he is trying to get close...a former owner of air blue his wife is the daughter of an ISI chief of the ziaulhaq era...and his father was an air commodore/saudi contractor who died in the ojheri blast...coupled with being a former primeminister he could at least not be lacking money...even though he says that 300 million of the 500 million confiscated from ishaq dar was his...
Feb17-2023--APTMA a group of billionaires whose factories make profits in 30-100 crores want subsidies in electricity...they may think people are fools but the rates in other countries are very high if their dollar rates are considered...in those countries the rates for domestic consumers are much lower as opposed to Pakistan where the domestic consumers have to pay the highest rates...here all the losses have to be borne by the public...as for the drop in exports they are due to the covid era highs...
Feb17-2023--The injured or langra(one legged) imran wants alvi to setup an inquiry in his meaningless vendetta/witch-hunt against former army chief Bajwa. Bajwa supposedly said that they considered imran dangerous for Pakistan and he contested imran's neutrality on Ukraine...imran should realize what happens when a dumb idiot becomes neutral whether it is Bajwa or imran...there are also reports that imran advised Putin to invade Ukraine...so where is the neutrality when u visit Russia on the verge of a war...!little oil is available from Russia as most of it is being ordered by India and china...he should realize that alvi has no judicial powers over retired military men technically...and everyone can have their own point of view on a political situation...these views were expressed after retirement and are technically meaningless...even India one of Russia's best friends said that the Ukraine war is condemnable...u dont have to send your weak inept army to fight in the war...u have just to oppose the war where a supposed superpower is trying to occupy territory in a smaller country...now the present government is supposedly providing Ukraine with ammunition...!other reports suggest that Bajwa is advising the west on how to fight Russia..
Feb16-2023--petrol soars to Rs272 per liter even as the dollar inches down...gas prices raised by 124 per cent and gas cylinder priced at Rs3142...with the mini budget inflation and prices expected to soar...i can only suggest that the people vote against the PDM...GST raised to 18% and 25% on luxury goods...most supposed luxury goods are in common use after the freedom to import almost anything...earlier these things were available at Bara's and PIA airhostesses/expatriates used to bring in anything that was wanted...Nawaz Sharif is technically responsible as he first allowed dollar accounts and the freedoms to import and take dollars out of the country...however the country was careful to maintain a decent level of reserves which have been run down by the present government in a year...! …Rs50000 /20% FED on first and business class air tickets...taxes on cigarettes and drinks raised...10% advance tax on marriage halls...cigarette prices tobe raised by 250% with cement being raised by upto Rs40...cooking oil shortages expected...steel prices hike to over Rs 300000...motorbike prices increased by upto35000...imported products in the 25% category are confectionary, jams, jellies,fish, sauces, fruit , dry fruits, cornflakes, frozenmeat, juices, pasta, aerated water, ice cream, chocolates, home appliances, crockery, cosmetics, pet food, private weapons, ammunition, shoes, chandeliers, doors , window frames, travelling bags, luggage, sanitary ware, tissue paper, shampoos, sleeping bags, toiletries, heaters, sunglasses, kitchenware, cigarettes, shaving goods, luxury leather, musical instruments, hair dryers , decoration items, frozen fish etc....this is in addition to raising electricity tariffs and a free floating rupee...
whatever they are doing is not going to improve the economic situation in the country as the peoples earning are static and BISP only deals with a few million people...there is no method to deal with the monthly inflation of over 30 percent day in and day out...at the moment they cannot meet the import bills and even if the government reserves increase it will be at the cost of more suffering for the people...
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