2018 Elections

2018 Elections
election results in 2018..PTI than just a pukhtun based party literally surged in Punjab and karachi to emerge as the largest party with 114 seats in the national assembly

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Daily Pakistanpolitics November 10-20, 2010

  • Nov17-2010--police say arrest of taleban bomb courier in islamabad has provided them a lot of information on individuals involved...every area could apparently have its own suicide trainers and bomb makers..?
  • Nov17-2010--England again tries to plug a royal wedding this time between kate middleton and the simpleton williams...such weddings have all crashed to failures
  • Nov17-2010--drone attack kills 20 in north waziristan
  • Nov17-2010--It will soon be clear whether the opposition parties are doing Nura kushti as taxation hiking proposals are presented to the senate committee with only four PPP members out of 12...
  • Nov17-2010--IMF downplays inflationary aspect of its advised policies...if balance of payments will weaken, electricity tariffs rise by 24%, food imports increase, taxes are raised substantially, prices are jacked up..than inflation should be much higher than 14%...
  • Nov17-2010--The Judicial parliamentary committee formed by generally senior members of teh PPP, PMLn and PMLq..Their first task is the consideration of the nominated chief justice of the LHC Ijaz Ahmed who is mildly controversial having accepted a beaurocratic assignment when removed by musharaf and who could possibly also be an ahmedi..he also troubled a lot of people by shutting down facebook unnecesarily...the ahmedis seem tobe on teh ascendancy as supposedly the PPP promoted several ahmedi brigadiers to major general...?Kiani who is now regarded at best as a PPP general has politicised the promotion and appointment process in the military many say with sifarish becoming the key rather than professional accomplishments...!!!
  • Nov17-2010--The popular five day week killed by the anti people regime
  • Nov16-2010--apparently with aid repayments mounting to around $5 billion pakistans hafiz pasha says that rehman maliks totka "ke aid maaf karo" not government policy...The PDF a replay of the 60's era aid to pakistan consortium did not give much even though the small amounts that they do give to pakistan can hardly trouble their tax payers...pakistan needs to learn to spend what they have rather than depend on foreign aid...
  • Nov16-2010--The PPP lets army-musharaf-PMlq group off the hook in benazir murder despite known involving rumours about army chief , musharaf and PMLq...
  • Nov16-2010--PPP government increases electricity tariffs by 2% which will cause horrific inflation with suggestions that nothing can be done about circular debt
  • Nov15-2010--six militants killed in swat
  • Nov15-2010--nato oil tanker set on fire in balochistan
  • Nov15-2010--goats cheap at saidpur village...Rs400 a kilo
  • Nov15-2010--The government continues to play politics with the economy rather than putting the peoples interests first...what with electricity price hikes, sugar politics and tax hikes... now the people might find it more difficult to buy milk and clothe their children with RGST on the orders of the IMF...something that the PPP created out of an already hefty GST, value added tax and now a reformed GST...karachi will have to suffer a hefty flood tax and the punjab says that it will trouble agricultural earners who like sugar dealers and cotton growers are reaping windfall benefits...The governments protectionism in the agricultural domain/state and army sectors and literally crushing teh average wage earners in the rural/urban spheres has caused the PPP stocks to dwindle to almost zero levels...what with kaira unable to uderstand that the only things that trickles down are price hikes and taxes...u just cant tax the rich in a capitalist soceity... it is teh consumer that is taxed...tax revenues had already ballooned to 1.6 trillion from 1 trillion three years ago..the convoluted thinking in the pasha brain that taxing the people will bring in more foreign aid...? replaces the old thinking that only foreign aid can pay for development...now it is just get aid and more aid...as is teh zardari satoon...the chinese will handle our development needs...The government has already ground development to a halt...many rumour that hafeez pasha a supposed economist told holbrooke that gilani had no brains(read that as gilani is a stupid idiot)...many now revere the calmness and consumerism(give everybody a gas station, car and a refrigerator) under citibanker shaukat aziz...what with the pakistani governments other economist props...a new one...give us more aid we will increase taxes on our people...give us trade not aid...we cant fight in north waziristan without aid...a new one emerged from the interior minister...write of $50 billion of our debt...while others say trade and industrialization are now useless..and the other satoon...that the world owes us aid to fight its terrorist battles in our backyards...maybe the PPP needs to have one overall economic/development vision rather than make up new totkas(policy) every few days or months...

  • Nov13-2010--The PPP heirarchy is reaching a dead end inits knowledge and politics...all governments have followed WB and IMF policies and orders and the current regime is no different...there is no point in bringing something to the cabinet and parliament if they are just going to rubber stamp IMF orders...It is not their image versus that of the PMln anymore..it is clear that the PPP is a derelict organization which desires a dictatorship not only at its own level but that of the IMF as well..as opposed to following policies that they form according to their mandates, inclination and design...Their implementation attitude is a rogue natured dictatorship with yusuf raza refusing to even allow parliament to change things...Their previous economic policies have also seen revenues and tariffs hiked without any end...they have at their disposal Rs 1.6 trillion in tax revenues + foreign aid which approximates to another 400 billion and supposedly 800 million of other income...that comes to around Rs3 trillion...if they cant run an economy with that much than raising salaries by 50% and hiking provincial shares etc. were most terribly irresponsible policies...There is no point in raising taxes further and keep saying that we cannot make ends meet...it is obvious that the money is being wasted or drained into a corruption pipeline...many say that sugar barons have promised to pay PPP mpas 20 million each...why chief ministers too are trying to raise sugar prices as well as sugar barons and wholesalers or importers is impossible to justify ...? The PMLn , PMLq and mqm can oppose the RGST and flood tax but will they be able to put their votes behind their mouths...It is not only about toppling a government but also opposing specific policies...If they are frightened of coming into government than they should resign and go home...they can easily vote against a government policy and not topple the government...although the PPP is literally a lame duck already...i think the government has run out of 18th amendments, judges restorations and fights with teh CJ over appointments all matters of very little interest to a weary and burdened public...
  • Nov12-2010--terrorists truck bomb a karachi CID building killing 17 including their own team...many say the blast maybe to hide corruption or needed reconstruction..others say the PPP maybe using terrorism to end opposition to its terrible economic policies...
  • Nov11-2010--The PPP which has literally turned into a party of waderas and industrialists made clearits anti people nature by instituting massive new taxes in the shape of RGST and a flood tax plus a 25% electricity price hike...that would many say cause a taxation hike of over Rs400 billion causing massive price hikes and inflation...the ineffective mqm and pmln left scrambling to the oppose the needless taxes...

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How it all started...coups and politics and islam and democracy...

How it all started...coups and politics and islam and democracy...
how bhuttos got into politics in 1958...

debacle in Dacca

debacle in Dacca
total humiliation...India had steadily destabilized east pakistan over twenty years playing on ethnic, financial, development and military concerns...pakistan was not that rich at that time and the ethnicists played on phsychosis generated by cyclones, floods, tea and jute...the army and west pakistani politicians could not accept a bengali dominated government and a small army contingent could not defend against the mukti bahini and the indians as teh US withdrew its support as usual...When teh going gets tough teh US chickens out as usual...!! The indians have continued teh same themes in karachi, sindh and balochistan but similar tougher responses have not allowed their success although pakistan is now at best a divided land with a pathetic center...!!While it left pakistan numb at the time many now feel the seperation was a proper solution as east pakistanis did not get along with pakistan and they would be better able to solve their problems with india...others still pine away for the lost land of rivers, tea and jute...others suggest that india should handover kashmir in exchange...while some still want to repatriate those considered pakistanis and left stranded in bangladeshi camps...others however heave a sigh of relief as teh problems with the remaining provinces are generally insoluble.....and ethnic regionalism or provincialism mixed with economic and racial nonsense is not a pleasant mode of politics anyway...

allah be praised

allah be praised
allah be praised...i do own forty factories but the people think i am a pauper...i really donot need sarkari umra's....please allah i did not promise imran khan the government when he fell off the platform...cant u make him my slave and not ask for recounts...!

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